"Do you know BEAST?"
"Do you know B2UTY?"
Wait a moment, we give you BEAST test now.
The answer is ③ 6 members / ③ B2UTY / ③ Bad Girl / ④ Good Luck in order.
You got 3 or more right? Then you have the right to understand ‘BEAST’ and fan club ‘B2UTY’. It has been already 6 years of BEAST and B2UTY being together. They have united with love and friendship, being more than singer and fan relation.
So we have prepared, ‘BEAST’ and ‘B2UTY’s secret story called '★&fan’ which contains the story of their strong attachment.
We met B2UTY at a café at Yeouido before the recording of KBS-2TV ‘Music Bank’ on last 11th.
Total participants totaled 7. We were quite sad first. But since the ‘B’ letter of ‘BEAST’ came out, the talk kept on. They were ‘B2UTY’ definitely.
They smelled like B2UTY even from their belongings. They were ‘B2UTY in face’ and ‘B2UTY quietly’. So we practiced instant ‘B2UTY proof’.
"When we open the gallery"
"Yoon Du Jun Folder"
"Phone background image is necessary"
"Official cheering tool, rose stick"
"even fan club card"
"Cap instead of placard"
"Donation bracelet copying Oppa (brother)"
"Lee Gi Kwang’s Birthday ♥ My Birthday"
"BONNIE&CLYDE all call!"
But the proof was not enough for this. It needs more certain proof to confirm whether one is real B2UTY. So we looked into B2UTY’s ‘house’. We release it right now.
"B2UTY’s common property"
"Various concert tickets"
"Tight schedule table"
"This is Yang Yo Seop ZONE"
"Bookshelf full of CDs~"
"Pictures in date order"
"Arranging videos is also necessary"
They were definitely B2UTY. Then what BEAST’s charm did they fall into? We will look first at A-cuts of members who are going through golden age recently.
These are the pictures of mini-fan meeting which was held on 22nd of last month.
"visual appearance member joined" (Yong Jun Hyung)
"Mother-in-law Chihuahua" (Yang Yo Seop)
"KwangGu who went to the jungle" (Lee Gi Kwang)
"Charming male" (Son Dong Woon)
"Alive charm" (Jang Hyun Seung)
"soccer boy" (Yoon Du Jun)
We have finished ‘B2UTY proof’ and looked at watching BEAST’s golden age. Then we will start talk time from now on. We release behind stories of BEAST which only B2UTY knows.
"Good Luck"
☞ First Meeting : We asked them how they got into BEAST, the so called ‘entrance’. There were many reasons such as by watching the TV and due to friend. The representative entrance member was Yoon Du Jun and Lee Gi Kwang. They got into them since they showed their face in entertainment programs and dramas often.
“4 years before, I was a high school student. There was a BEAST fan among my friends. She kept on playing the BEAST song and showed stage video to me. It is called ‘sales’ by fans’ word, right? I could not help falling into them by seeing several videos. I fell in love with Yoon Du Jun with first sight, and I still like him” (Ms. A, 21yrs)
“Yoon Du Jun was the entrance to me also. I got into his masculine appearance and kind personality by watching MBC-TV ‘Sweet Rain’. I started to see their stages after knowing that he is ‘BEAST’ member. I like Son Dong Woon now. He’s a really hard-working guy. I fell into him after seeing him improve.” (Ms. B, 31yrs)
“My entrance was Lee Gi Kwang. I liked his smiling image in an entertainment program. He looked bright. I entered B2UTY like that but recently I’m into Yang Yo Seop. Lee Gi Kwang obba (brother), I’m sorry~.” (Ms. F, 22yrs)
“Everyone entered through Yoon Du Jun and Lee Gi Kwang. I watched ‘Trouble Maker’ stage on TV accidentally and Jang Hyun Seung was so charming with performing sexily with baby face. I felt that feeling for the first time. I was never into idols before, but I still like them since then. (Ms. C, 37yrs)
☞ Fell into the magical charm: If you like BEAST, then joining open broadcast or fan meeting is necessary, right? They found BEAST’s real charms at the event which they went with having courage. They fell into a swamp which they could never get out. Have you ever heard about ‘B2UTY swamp’….
“BEAST becomes genuine idols to one the more one gets to know about them. They are very tender basically. Also they have handsome facial appearance, so they are perfect. (Laughter) Recently, I have rediscovered Yong Jun Hyung due to ‘Burning the BEAST’ (entertainment program). He’s clumsy but still kind. His cute charms were revealed.” (Ms. D, 23yrs)
“I hope Son Dong Woon would also get known. Actually he’s a very funny member. It is said that he made jokes with fan’s name at the fan signing event. If a fan’s name was ‘Jihee’, then he charmingly wrote ‘JJineeJihee’. The Twitter image is famous in the internet recently…” (Ms. B, 31yrs)
“Actually Son Dong Woon has a handsome face as much as he is called ‘Son God’. And who knows that he also has wit. Fans all know, but I want to share his charm with other people more. People would get to know soon, right?” (Ms. H, 29yrs)
“Yoon Du Jun’s magical charm is surprising. He has the power to attract even male! There are many male fans when I go to open broadcast or concerts. Maybe it is because he did FC MEN activity and recently was chosen as K League honorary ambassador. Since he is really into soccer, people get into his masculine charm.” (Ms. E, 28yrs)
“It is really true. He has the will to practice all the soccer schedules even though he has other tight schedules. He went up on stage in Japanese concert by wearing a placard saying ‘Soccer honorary ambassador’ which was written by a fan. K League would’ve have been so proud of him. (Laughter) He’s a soccer elf. He’s not just a son of ‘ILS’ (I Love Soccer).” (Ms. H, 29yrs)
“Yoon Du Jun’s strong image is listed usually, but actually he has warm images too. A fan fell down by being too nervous at a fan signing event recently. Yoon Du Jun stood up suddenly and helped one to one’s feet. The word that he said is this year’s famous line.” (Ms. B, 31yrs)
“Why are you so nervous? We are same people. Relax and enjoy” (Yoon Du Jun)
☞ The charge continues, Good example of SNS: Someone says ‘Twitter is life’s waste’. But it isn’t relevant to BEAST. SNS is a bridge that links BEAST and B2UTY. BEAST conveys their love to B2UTY through SNS and B2UTY responds with joy.
“Twit elf, representative is Yang Yo Seop. It is not a normal greeting. He twits by pointing out fans by himself. Lately, a fan twitted “Tomorrow is my birthday”. Yang Yo Seop re-twitted back exactly at noon by remembering. Where is this kind of idol?” (Ms. F, 22yrs)
“Maybe that fan cannot exit from being BEAST’s fan forever. (Laughter) There was this happening recently. One fan twitted that life is hard. Then Yang Yo Seop replied…. I cannot say it since it is so touching. I will show you through capture image.” (Ms. G, 23yrs)
“Lee Gi Kwang is a member who uses Twitter uniquely. He doesn’t post much. Instead, he posts sky pictures with writings of ‘weather is good’ or shares scenery pictures. He has a nickname of ‘Gi Kwang weather center’. It feels like being with him, and cured.” (Ms. F, 22yrs)
“Basically, every member is good at fan service with Twitter. If there is spare time or event is over, they ask fans whether they’ve gone home well. They cheer up students to study well if the test period of middle and high schools comes. So they are like boyfriends.” (Ms. B, 31yrs)
☞ There is no exit, ‘No B2UTY, then no BEAST': There are words such as ‘No B2UTY, then no BEAST', 'B2UTY fool', and 'All for B2UTY'. They are all neologism made due to BEAST. (Actually, ‘No B2UTY, then no BEAST' is made by Son Dong Woon) BEAST also does their best to give much love as much as B2UTY cares for BEAST.
“The beginning of train-dol! There are many words of ‘train’, but BEAST is the original. (Ms. B: You must not say train-dol~) Ah, it is not ‘train’ since BEAST is sincere. I will say it as ‘love toward fans’” (Ms. A, 21yrs)
“BEAST was the first in giving presents to fans. They have once bought hamburgers to 500 fans that were waiting for the open broadcast. They have prepared 2,000 Patbingsu servings at ‘Good Luck’ mini-fan meeting with ‘Yum’ sticker on them” (Ms. D, 23yrs)
“Their mind is really good. Usually presents for fans are prepared from the entertainment, but BEAST prepared them by themselves by dividing the cost among members equally. For example, if they prepare 2,000 servings of 2,000-won Patbingsu, then it is 4 million won. They pay this by dividing this cost equally among members.” (Ms. E, 28yrs)
“They find only B2UTY at the stage. Fans are hard to be found at big concerts such as ‘Dream Concert’. But BEAST checks fans’ seat beforehand. Then after going up on stage, they turn their bodies and sing toward fans. They turn their bodies toward B2UTY even wherever the camera is. It is worth to have B2UTY confidence” (Ms. G, 23yrs)
☞ Moments of tears: Are there any fans among idol fans that have lived without tears? We have listened to B2UTY’s tearful moments. Moments such as first no.1, first debut, and first grand prize came by every time.
“I cried at Yang Yo Seop’s solo debut stage, the first ‘Caffeine’ stage. I was proud that he came to that position by himself, but I was so touched at the perfect stage. I trembled so much since the start of the accompaniment and until the last that I cried with tears” (Ms. F, 22yrs)
“I cried when BEAST became no.1 in music broadcast for the first time. I got the news while I was doing evening study, and I was so pleased. I cried loudly by hugging another B2UTY friend since it was a result received by hard effort. (Ms. G, 23yrs)
“This is a slightly different story. Fans focus on text message vote to make their idol no.1. But there was time when they could not rank top. But BEAST wasn’t sad for this. They felt sorry by saying, ‘Fans did this much, but we did not enough.’ I cry whenever I think about this.” (Ms. B, 31yrs)
☞ BEAST, and change: B2UTY was only focused on BEAST. How could they live their normal life? But it is wrong to think them as just blind fans. B2UTY grew up for 6 years with BEAST by seeing them. They dreamt of their future and also matured together. Fans were becoming adults too like that.
“It was hard to go open broadcast when I was a high school student. It was hard to go to Seoul since I lived in Gangwon-do Province. So I made a resolution to go to a university in Seoul. Due to that I could study hard and now I go to a university in Seoul. My parents are also happy by thanking BEAST.” (Ms. F, 22yrs)
“I could decide on my dream due to BEAST. I got certainly interested in stage costumes since I started to like BEAST. So I chose my major in costume. Now I have a dream to become a stylist. (Ms. F, 22yrs / Ms. E: BEAST’s? Ms. F: Work and love are separate)
“It was when Jang Hyun Seung was doing a musical. He was suffering from the prejudice of being an idol. I didn’t even expect much, but he was really good in it. I had a thought instantly that assessing a person easily is so dangerous. So after that I don’t assess people without thought.” (Ms. B, 31yrs)
☞ Good Luck, Good BEAST: BEAST has come back in a year. They have won 10 crowns in music broadcast with ‘Good Luck’. They have performed for years, but this performance is worth to pick as ‘successful’. We have asked about ‘Good Luck’ of what fans think of it at the moment now when BEAST’s performance is heading for the end.
“‘Good Luck’ was successful than usual. I had the feeling when I first heard of it, and other friends who are not B2UTY also said it was good. So was it due to that, BEAST papered all the music chart and streets with ‘Good Luck’ since its first release. The feeling of BEAST’s new rise?” (Ms. B, 31yrs)
“We have changed the method of fan cheers with the meaning to go back to the original intention. The method was just chanting according to the music lyrics. But we started to cry out members name at ‘Good Luck’ with the feeling of the original intention. Fans said it was embarrassing at first, but they later participated joyfully. Members also liked it” (Ms. E, 28yrs)
“When seeing the fan generation, one can know whether it will success or not. BEAST’s fan is formed with 20’s~30’s. Since it has been 6 years from their debut, fans also grew old together. But many teenager fans has been formed by ‘Good Luck’ performance. The increase of fans is the proof of success. I’m happy many people like them more.” (Ms. G, 23yrs)
“BEAST is top star to B2UTY, but they are not a group that everyone knows. But BEAST is still improving. They do not stay settled but keeps on developing. It can be felt only by seeing their dances. They have digested intense choreographies by getting back to their original intention. They say it is for fans. Wouldn’t B2UTY keep BEAST’s side until they reaches the peak?” (Ms. B, 31yrs)