No girls allowed.
When it comes to any boy band, most of the videos are about making viewers swoon until they can't swoon anymore. But every now and then, a K-pop boy band comes together to forgo the fanservice and showcase just how strong their friendship is with their band members -- which typically ends up getting fans even hotter.
To celebrate the oft-overlooked bonds that make the strongest boy bands even stronger, check out seven adorable K-pop music videos that shed a spotlight on the best bromances these guys have with their fellow band mates.
6. Beast, "Beautiful Night"
Beast turned into the ultimate party boys for their 2012 single, hitting downtown New York to graffiti their name on the walls and throw an all-night rager. But notice how the guys stick together through it all, never leaving each others' sides to go dance with the slew of babes, and instead walk the city streets and perform onstage for their party people. True bromancers party together.
Note: Omitted parts of the articles not related to BEAST
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