Thursday, February 11, 2016

B2ST's Kikwang begins young romance in still cuts for drama 'Monster'!

MBC has released still-cuts from the set of upcoming drama 'Monster'! B2ST's Kikwangwill be acting as the younger version of lead actor Kang Ji Hwan alongside actress Lee Yeol Eum, the younger version of lead actress Sung Yuri

Staff members on set reported, "Despite it being the first filming, Kikwang and Lee Yeol Eum showcased excellent acting skills, making us believe we can hope for a well-made production. Their young, back-and-forth bickering relationship will start the drama off on an energetic note, so please look forward to it.

MBC's new drama 'Monster' is set to air at the end of March! Will you be tuning in?

cr: Allkpop


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